Risk management
For Zurich Airport Ltd., risk management is a key factor for successful company management. Comprehensive risk management ensures that risks are approached systematically and given due consideration. As well as providing transparency over the main risks associated with the company’s business activities, it enables continuous monitoring and assessment of the risk profile.
Risk management system
Risk management as a reporting tool
Zurich Airport Ltd.’s risk management system is the tool used to manage corporate risk across the Group. It consists of the following elements:
- The companyʼs risk policy objectives and principles
- Risk management organisation
- Risk management process
- Risk reporting
- Auditing and review of the risk management system
The Board of Directors and the Management Board hold overall responsibility under Swiss company law for ensuring the continued existence and profitability of Zurich Airport Ltd. The Board of Directors is responsible for overall oversight of risk management. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) acts as the Management Board’s Chief Risk Officer.
The Group Risk Office reports to the CFO as Chief Risk Officer and stipulates minimum requirements for decentralised risk management across the Group. The Group Risk Office is responsible for risk reporting as well as for the operation and ongoing development of the risk management system.
The Management Board members are each responsible for the risks that are allocated to their respective divisions. They bear responsibility for identifying, assessing and managing these risks (risk ownership concept).
In consultation with the Group Risk Office, other departments perform their specific risk management procedures themselves, such as safety management, liquidity management, occupational safety, information security, fire prevention and contingency planning. The same goes for Zurich Airport Ltd.ʼs international subsidiaries. The key risks to the Zurich Airport Group are then incorporated from these into central risk reporting. This describes the business risks, responsibilities and measures in detail, along with an assessment of their probability of occurrence and potential impact. Implementation of the measures is continually monitored. The risk report is presented to the Management Board and the Board of Directors once a year.
Compliance management
Zurich Airport Ltd. operates a Group-wide compliance management system as a component of its risk management, the aim being to systematically ensure compliance with the applicable statutory requirements as well as the internal corporate guidelines and ethical principles based on those requirements.
For this purpose, the processes at Zurich Airport Ltd. are structured as cross-divisional clusters that are each overseen by a specialist (“compliance supporter”). This specialist is responsible for training line managers within the particular field. The compliance supporters also perform the checks required in the context of compliance audits and report to the Group Compliance Office. Ultimate responsibility for compliance with laws, guidelines and principles lies with line management. A broadly based Compliance Steering Committee headed by the Chief Risk Officer monitors systematic and uniform implementation of compliance management procedures.
Issues from compliance reporting that could give rise to significant risks for Zurich Airport Ltd. are incorporated into risk reporting.
Once a year, the Group Compliance Office produces a comprehensive compliance report on behalf of the Chief Risk Officer which is based on information provided by the compliance supporters. This report is submitted to the Management Board and the Board of Directors.