Shareholders and participation rights

Significant shareholders

As at 31 December 2024, the Canton of Zurich held 33.33% plus one share, and the City of Zurich held 5% of the company’s shares/voting rights. There were no other shareholders entered in the Share Register whose holdings exceeded 3% of the total number of shares with voting rights. Information about shareholdings in excess of or below the thresholds specified in Article 120 of the Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FMIA) published during the reporting period can be found on the platform of the Disclosure Office of SIX Swiss Exchange. There are no crossholdings and no shareholder agreements of which the company is aware.

GRI 2-1

Changes of control

The companyʼs Articles of Association contain an opting-up clause which stipulates that, in the event that the threshold at which an offer is required in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Stock Exchange Act is exceeded, it shall be set at 49%. No clauses exist regulating a change of control in favour of members of the Board of Directors or Management Board.

Limitations on transferability of shares/voting rights and nominee registrations

Registration with voting rights is limited to 5% of the share capital, which applies both to individual shareholders and groups of shareholders. Excluded from this are the Canton of Zurich (limit of 49%) and the City of Zurich (limit of 10%). Other statutory registration limits apply to guarantee proof of Swiss control, should such proof be required by a special law or double taxation agreement. Nominees are exclusively registered as shareholders without voting rights. Exceptions to these registration limits may be granted by the Board of Directors at its discretion, specifically in association with contributions in kind, shareholdings, mergers and easing of tradability of shares on the stock market. No exceptions were granted during the reporting period. Limitations on transferability are set forth in Article 6 of the company's Articles of Association. They can be amended by a resolution of the Annual General Meeting by a two-thirds majority of represented votes.

Participation rights at the Annual General Meeting

Entries in the Share Register are normally made up to one week before the Annual General Meeting. With respect to the convening of the Annual General Meeting and the inclusion of items on the agenda, no rules in the Articles of Association deviate from the statutory provisions. In accordance with Article 699b para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, shareholders representing 0.5% of the shares (153,510 shares) may request that items be included on the agenda. In accordance with Article 12 para. 3 of the company’s Articles of Association, the relevant requests must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors of the company together with proof of entitlement, an exact description of the requested item and a specifically formulated resolution proposal. Only requests that are received by the company in good time, i.e. at least 60 days before the Annual General Meeting, can be considered.

Any shareholder may arrange to be represented by another person with a written power of attorney or by an independent proxy at the Annual General Meeting. Members of the Board of Directors and Management Board may represent other shareholders provided this does not constitute institutionalised representation. In accordance with Article 17 para. 3 of the company’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors may draw up rules of procedure covering participation in and representation at the Annual General Meeting and, in particular, make detailed provision for the issue of instructions to independent proxies. It shall ensure that the shareholders are also able to issue electronic powers of attorney and instructions to the independent proxy. On the basis of the Articles of Association the company is authorised to conduct the Annual General Meeting in virtual form or may, in addition to physical attendance, provide for participation in the AGM via electronic means. This will be communicated to shareholders in individual cases. In the reporting period, the Annual General Meeting was held with the possibility of physical attendance.

In accordance with the rules set out in the Articles of Association, resolutions of the Annual General Meeting are generally passed by a majority of the votes cast. In addition to those defined in Article 704 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, a qualified majority as defined in the code is required for the following cases:

  • Amendments to the Articles of Association
  • Easing or elimination of limitations with respect to the transferability of registered shares
  • Conversion of registered shares into bearer shares