2. Remuneration paid
The following table shows the remuneration that was actually paid for the given financial year:
1. Remuneration of the Board of Directors
a) for the reporting period (2024):
(in CHF, gross) |
Remuneration for members of the Board of Directors |
Remuneration for attending board meetings (only extraordinary meetings from 2024 AGM) |
Remuneration for committee membership |
Remuneration for committee meetings |
Employer contributions to social security |
Total |
Recipient |
Function |
AFC 1) |
IC 1) |
NCC 1) |
PAC 1) |
Josef Felder |
Chairman |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
until AGM 2024 |
101,422 |
8,625 |
7,101 |
11,500 |
0 |
425,889 |
since AGM 2024 |
297,240 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Claudia Pletscher |
Vice Chairwoman |
C |
until AGM 2024 |
35,505 |
8,625 |
3,551 |
2,875 |
0 |
174,982 |
since AGM 2024 |
103,689 |
0 |
20,738 |
0 |
0 |
Vincent Albers |
Member |
M |
M |
M |
until AGM 2024 |
28,570 |
8,165 |
5,042 |
8,165 |
2,814 |
206,421 |
since AGM 2024 |
93,320 |
0 |
51,844 |
0 |
8,502 |
Guglielmo Brentel |
Member |
M |
M |
until AGM 2024 |
30,180 |
8,625 |
3,551 |
5,750 |
0 |
175,988 |
since AGM 2024 |
93,320 |
0 |
34,563 |
0 |
0 |
Beatrix Frey-Eigenmann |
Member |
C |
M |
until AGM 2024 |
28,450 |
8,131 |
5,021 |
5,421 |
2,858 |
183,411 |
since AGM 2024 |
93,320 |
0 |
31,107 |
0 |
9,104 |
Stephan Gemkow |
Member |
M |
C |
until AGM 2024 |
28,088 |
8,027 |
4,957 |
5,352 |
3,457 |
190,674 |
since AGM 2024 |
93,320 |
0 |
38,019 |
0 |
9,455 |
Corine Mauch 2) |
Member |
M |
until AGM 2024 |
29,823 |
8,523 |
1,754 |
2,841 |
513 |
143,958 |
since AGM 2024 |
93,320 |
0 |
6,913 |
0 |
271 |
Carmen Walker Späh 3) |
Member |
C |
until AGM 2024 |
30,180 |
8,625 |
3,551 |
2,875 |
0 |
148,919 |
since AGM 2024 |
93,320 |
0 |
10,369 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
1,273,066 |
67,346 |
228,078 |
44,778 |
36,974 |
1,650,242 |
Total amount approved by the Annual General Meeting |
1,900,000 |
1) Committee names: AFC: Audit & Finance Committee; NCC: Nomination & Compensation Committee; IC: Investment Committee; PAC: Public Affairs Committee; C = Chair, M = Member, (M) = Ex officio member without voting rights.
2) Of the total amount of CHF 143,958, CHF 122,504 was paid out to the City of Zurich and CHF 20,000 to the member.
3) Of the total amount of CHF 148,919, CHF 148,919 was paid out to the Canton of Zurich and CHF 0 to the member.
In the reporting period, the Board of Directors did not hold any extraordinary meetings after the 2024 Annual General Meeting.
b) for the prior year (2023):
Attendance allowances were paid for all the meetings of the Board of Directors and the committees.
(in CHF, gross) |
Remuneration for members of the Board of Directors |
Remuneration for attending board meetings |
Remuneration for committee membership |
Remuneration for committee meetings |
Employer contributions to social security |
Total |
Recipient |
Function |
AFC 1) |
IBC 1) |
NCC 1) |
PAC 1) |
Josef Felder 2) |
Chairman |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
in 2023 |
261,818 |
25,875 |
21,204 |
48,875 |
0 |
357,772 |
Claudia Pletscher 3) |
Vice Chairwoman |
C |
in 2023 |
79,082 |
17,250 |
7,908 |
14,375 |
0 |
118,615 |
Vincent Albers |
Member |
M |
M |
M |
in 2023 |
92,398 |
24,458 |
16,306 |
43,481 |
10,232 |
186,875 |
Guglielmo Brentel |
Member |
M |
M |
in 2023 |
97,750 |
25,875 |
9,704 |
31,625 |
0 |
164,954 |
Beatrix Frey-Eigenmann 4) |
Member |
C |
M |
in 2023 |
61,802 |
16,248 |
10,906 |
8,124 |
5,987 |
103,067 |
Stephan Gemkow |
Member |
M |
C |
in 2023 |
90,929 |
18,721 |
16,046 |
16,046 |
10,632 |
152,375 |
Corine Mauch 5) |
Member |
M |
in 2023 |
95,672 |
19,697 |
5,628 |
5,628 |
2,750 |
129,375 |
Carmen Walker Späh 6) |
Member |
C |
in 2023 |
97,750 |
25,875 |
11,500 |
5,750 |
0 |
140,875 |
Andreas Schmid 7) |
Chairman 8) |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
until AGM 2023 |
94,853 |
7,974 |
6,642 |
18,605 |
10,461 |
138,534 |
Eveline Saupper 8) |
Member 9) |
C |
M |
until 30.04.2023 |
29,746 |
7,983 |
5,249 |
10,645 |
4,310 |
57,933 |
Total |
1,001,801 |
189,956 |
111,093 |
203,154 |
44,371 |
1,550,375 |
Total amount approved by the Annual General Meeting |
1,700,000 |
1) Committee names: AFC: Audit & Finance Committee; NCC: Nomination & Compensation Committee; IBC: International Business Committee; PAC: Public Affairs Committee; C = Chair, M = Member, (M) = Ex officio member without voting rights
2) Vice Chairman until Annual General Meeting 2023
3) Elected at Annual General Meeting 2023
4) In office since 1 May 2023
5) Of the total amount of CHF 129,375, CHF 89,969 was paid out to the City of Zurich and CHF 39,406 to the member.
6) Of the total amount of CHF 140,875, CHF140,875 was paid out to the Canton of Zurich and CHF 0 to the member.
7) Chairman until Annual General Meeting 2023; total amount excl. leaving gift (equivalent value CHF 26,000)
8) In office until 30 April 2023; total amount excl. leaving gift (equivalent value CHF 10,000)
No severance payments, joining bonuses or other long-term remuneration payments were made in 2024 or 2023.