Equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination

The Zurich Airport Group is committed to respectful and fair treatment of all people, irrespective of attributes such as language, sex or gender identity, age, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or religion.


Zurich Airport Ltd. operates transport hubs and public spaces where all manner of people come together. Treating people fairly and respectfully is essential for providing high-quality services for everyone in a peaceful atmosphere. The company offers equal opportunities and does not tolerate any kind of discrimination. This fundamental attitude applies in particular to interactions with the companyʼs own employees and is enshrined in the Code of Conduct which applies Group-wide. The same applies to everyone with whom they are in direct contact.



Zurich Airport Ltd. offers all employees the same rights and opportunities. Its corporate values are a reflection of how the company sees itself: it attaches great importance to constructive and respectful cooperation, a culture of trust and openness, and a willingness to adapt.

Women, men and non-binary individuals are treated equally. This applies in particular to maternity/paternity leave, pay, part-time working, flexible working time models, and training and professional development.

Zurich Airport Ltd. has drawn up guidelines for dealing with discrimination in the form of sexual harassment. These state that the company does not tolerate any harassment, and set out what action an affected individual can take and where support is available. More information concerning employees can be found in the Responsible employer section.

The principle of respectful and non-discriminatory behaviour is also stipulated in similar documents at the companyʼs airports in Brazil, Chile and India, where it likewise applies to all employees. In Brazil, the applicable Code of Ethics and Conduct additionally defines inclusion and diversity as important values. Chile also has a Code of Conduct. In Noida, the relevant obligations are set out in an HR Policy Manual, which addresses in particular ethical conduct and the prevention of sexual harassment.


Persons with reduced mobility (PRM) or other disabilities may take advantage of support services at Zurich Airport. All European airports have been obliged to provide such services free of charge since 2009. The relevant EU regulation, which also applies in Switzerland, covers people with any kind of reduced mobility, blind and visually or hearing-impaired people, as well as anyone with an intellectual impairment. This service at Zurich Airport is funded by means of a solidarity levy included in the passenger-related airport charges. A third-party firm currently handles such PRM services on behalf of Zurich Airport Ltd. In September of the reporting year, Zurich Airport Ltd. decided that from 2025 it will no longer put these services out to tender, but provide them itself. This will enable the quality of interoperation with other services already provided by the company to be further optimised.

In addition, ground handling firms also provide other support services. Unaccompanied minors or passengers requiring medical assistance are able to get to and from the gates safely.

All the public zones of Zurich Airport are barrier-free. This also applies to the new buildings in Latin America and India, which are obliged to take the needs of people with reduced mobility into account. With their “Airport for All” programme, the Brazilian subsidiaries are aiming to make airports easily accessible to anyone with a disability. The programme includes communication, organisational and structural measures such as the provision of a multisensory room for people on the autism spectrum or with other special needs at Florianópolis and Vitória airports.