Corporate social responsibility
Zurich Airport is infrastructure of national importance. On the one hand, operating infrastructure like this creates thousands of jobs and boosts the attractiveness of Switzerland as a business location (study on economic importance). On the other hand, flight operations are also not without some negative impacts, especially in the immediate vicinity of the airport. Communicating with policymakers at all levels of government is therefore vitally important.
In a year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic when it was virtually impossible to hold any face-to-face events, Flughafen Zürich AG endeavoured to use alternative channels to keep the conversation going with its many stakeholders, especially with neighbouring communities. Throughout these difficult times – which also had an economic impact on the municipalities around the airport – the aim was to be open and transparent at all times when informing the public about the airportʼs situation.
Associations, interest groups and political dialogue
As in previous years, Flughafen Zürich AG regularly engaged in dialogue with political stakeholders during 2020, with even greater emphasis being placed on the systematic provision of written information. As well as regular issues of its Political Newsletter, a special issue on climate protection at Zurich Airport was published, along with further reports for specific target groups disseminated via other information channels. In 2020, the company primarily utilised virtual platforms to liaise with neighbouring municipalities, political decision-makers at a federal and cantonal level as well as various public agencies. Flughafen Zürich AG likewise continued to collaborate with various regional and national business and industry associations as best possible under the circumstances, providing regular updates on the situation and the needs of the company.